After a long while I have returned...
Hello Guild Ballers I 'm back with another post. A Guild Ball post. And I'm not joking here... It is nothing but a Guild BALL post... I've used the sports paper as a protective sheet between my desk and what I'm going to slap onto the ball (the ball is on the left). Displayed (appart form the ball) is a selection of paints I'm going to use. Time to base the surface and the ball. Dryad Bark done, Agrax Earthshade is next for the texture on the ball. Picture doesn't do the shade much credit... But still, it's on there. Next layer! Skrag Brown. From Skrag Brown to Balor Brown (drybrushing) Balor Brown is slapped on there (well, brushed with gentle strokes...) Time to deepen the shade with some carefully applied Nuln Oil. I also gave the rocks a little nuln oil, but not too much. Next up: Some highlighting? Where does the sun come from? Let's find out. A small area on the ball was touched....