Playing a fun Masons list - game report
Hello Guild Ballers, As my musings from last time were somewhat uncoördinated, so was my gameplay. I lost to Obulus 4-14. Obulus brought: Dirge, Cosset, Bonesaw, oGraves and Silence to the table. I brought the suggested bad fun list of Hammer, Marbles, oHarmony, Granite, Chisel, Lucky. Before hand I thought I could score with oHarmony at the very least, but man this team is INF hungry. I ended up doing almost nothing with oHarmony and Chisel and used Granite, Lucky and Hammer most of the time. Marbles was in the action most of the time, but without much to do. Short Summary: For Turn 1 on my side nothing much happened, I kept most of my players back and the morticians kicked the ball around, missed the pass to Bonesaw (typical) so the ball ended up on Silence instead of on Bonesaw - Bonesaw moved to midfield where I knocked him down after charging with Lucky. After that Lucky dodged away and Silence dodged forward. Turn 2 put the hurt on Bonesaw, who s...