The Gamers Guild
Hello Guild Ballers I'm back for some more fiction. It has been a while, since I'm dedicating most of my free time towards a new hobby of mine; Beekeeping. Yes I got into beekeeping, not only inventing the beekeepers guild for guild ball... The Gamers Guild! As the title says I'm creating a new guild for guild ball. It's based on real players from my gaming club. If I do my job right, people should be able to tell it's about them, but I will not put names to my players. And as if it was meant to be... My gaming club's name is actually the Gamers Guild! Since my gaming club has more than 6 players I'm going to release them one by one, starting with the Captain of course! Here goes, I know I'm not the wizard with making cards but I gave it a go (with Paint 3D) Player number one: Tinker: Since not all stats are clear I'll repeat them in plain text : Melee Zone: 1" MOV: 7"/9" TAC: 7 KICK: 3/6" DEF: 4+ ...