Returning to Guild Ball with Hunters
Hello Readers, I've made plans to play a game of guild ball coming wednesday. Not sure yet if it'll happen with COVID-19 restrictions changing faster than I change my underwear, but hey, I like planning... Last few games I played I almost always chose my 6 players at random, but since it's been a while I think that would be a bad Idea. I've been dreaming about using Ulfr in my 6 so let's begin our preperations by downloading the new cards and find where Ulfr is and what he does. We'll build from there. Player one; Ulfr: His traits show he likes a lot of terrain on the board (light footed) and wants to charge people (Ambush). He also wants to go in first (Lone Hunter) or stay away from his teammates alltogether. With only a melee zone of 1" he's looking for a wrap to hit his Tackle and at least a 2 inch dodge or a where'd they go. Paired with his movement this ability gives him a 10/12" move. And a shot from 8" away... ...