Creating terrain – Table and stools

Part 1

Hello Guild Ball Players!

No guild ball match report this week, sorry…  I was a bit occupied this week and didn’t get a chance to play guild ball.  (So little time, so much to do)

I did have my first game of Warhammer 40K playing Tyranids for 1000 points worth, so it’s not that I didn’t have any spare time to play games in.  I had this 'lesson' lined up for a longer time so it had to be done (and I had fun doing it!)  I was looking to play some Guild Ball this week, but family comes first and I had to focus my attention there. 

What I did do is start on a piece of terrain for my brewers team.  I picked up some barrels and figured I would put them to use in creating some terrain.
This is my first attempt ever at making terrain, so it might turn out to be a big failure.  Still if mistakes are to be made, you can witness my idiotic clumsiness and learn with me to not make the same ones in the future…

I started of with the Idea of making a table of sorts and had to come up with how I would create the surface of the table.  I was going to use two barrels as the table-legs and two smaller ones as stools to sit on.
For the surface I was thinking about using wooden popsicle sticks, but I didn’t have any straight ones lying around.  There were some curved ones, but they didn’t seem to fit my needs…
So I switched to earsticks... 

Here are some pictures:

The Tools needed...

The Table parts

Greenstuffing the surface together

Putting the barrels under the surface

Birdsview of the table

Sticking the table on a clear base

With greenstuff.

Adding the barrels for stools

Also with Greenstuff

Some Primer on there and ready to paint!

 After I finish up painting this I'll try and remember to put an update on here for you guys :-)

Goodbye and till next time!
