Game 4 - Brewers VS Engineers – tournament rules in effect for Take a Breather lad
Game 4 Hello Guild Ballers, It has been a while since I've looked at the forums or played a game or painted even... But today I managed to get a quick game in... Brewers again, back to the original opponent; the engineers. It has been a while since Tom played but we’re going to a tournament in Antwerpen so wanted to practice some games. I used the same line-up as in my previous games against engineers, but swapped Mash for Friday: Tapper – Scum – Hooper – Spigot – Friday – Stave Tom’s line-up: Ballista – Mainspring – Velocity – Salvo – Colossus - Ratchet – Again I failed to take notes. Kickoff: I was able to choose and wanted to be on the receiving end of the ball. Velocity was appointed kicker. All Engineers were lined up close to eachother, Velocity going to the right side of the board. The ball was kicked and it bounced to the middle of the pitch. Turn 1 Spigot sprints...