Games 14 - 15 - 16 and 17

Hello Guild Ballers!

It has been busy for me in the guild ball scene.

My 14th game was helping a fellow guild ball player out in completing a team and putting it to the test.  Isabelle wanted to take a morticians team comprised out of Obulus, Vileswarm, Silence and Ghast.  For the two remaining slots she only had union players available, Minx, Rage, Fangtooth and Mist.  In her previous 3 to 4 games, she wasn't sure about the number she had, she had used Minx and Rage and loved the free charges.  I convinced her to go with Fangtooth and Mist instead and showed her why without giving the game away... Well, I ended up loosing anyway after charging in on Fangtooth and beating him till he was dead, only to then discover the Morticians circled around the pitch and started playing football between Silence and Ghast! At one point I tried to score but didn't premeasure, I came less than half an inch short for my goalkick to make it an even 10-10 and lost the game by having Friday taken out.  I was surprised to see how well Isabell positioned her players during the game.  Possibly Mallifaux has something to do with that...  I will not go gentle on her next time, and that's a promise Isa!

Game 15 and 16 where also test-games.  My opponent prefers me not putting any information online in the form of a game report, and I will honour that request.  So sorry, no cookies here.

Game 17 was a demo game.
Kristof only has Shark, Siren, Angel, Kraken and Salt painted up.  It's his first game of guild ball ever so after learning that I withdraw my offer to use one of my union models to complete the team and suggest we play a demo game.  First player with 6VP wins, 3 models including the captain fielded.  Kristof goes for Shark, Siren and Angel.  I field Tapper, Friday and Hooper.
Kristof wins the toss and makes me kick.  Hooper does the honour of picking up the ball and passing it to Friday, letting her dodge 4'' towards the middle of the field.  Siren tries to make her jog up to the middle of the field, hoping that Shark will be able to tackle her next and go for a goal, but the TN isn't met.  Friday passes the ball to Tapper who also dodges 4'' up field.  After that Friday goes into the middle of the pitch and tries to Dirty Knives Siren. Shark charges Friday, but nothing out of the ordinary happens.  Tapper, only having 2 INF is in a bit of a shity situation.  He wants to charge in, but not with the ball on him.  Dropping it leaves it out of range for Shark next turn (Angel is still at her deployment zone and is way out of reach) unless Shark gets some dodges in to get closer.  And knowing Shark he will...  Kicking it and sprinting into melee doesn't give me an attack, so I decide to drop the ball and charge Siren. Siren gets knocked down.  Angel moves a bit, but stays out of Tapper range after I point out she is within his threatrange.
Turn 2 starts with the fishermen on the initiative and I help to point out what Shark needs to do.  First, he needs one attack to generate momentum and preferably move him closer to the ball but out of melee from Friday.  Secondly he'll need to sprint, seeing the ball is out rather far.  Third he'll need an influence to score.  That's the bare minimum.  So Shark gets 5 influence just to make sure.  He dodges and generates momentum, he gut&strings Friday, he sprints up to the ball and fails his goalkick.  The ball ends up behind the goalline.
Tapper goes in and beats Shark, but as this is a 3 player game I opted not to load him up with all influence leaving him on 9 life and Knocked down.  I hope to win the initative and finish him off before he picks up the ball and scores.  Siren stands up and attacks Friday for some damage.  Hooper charges into Siren, KD her back down and doing some damage with a wrap.  Angel stays far away from the fighting.  Friday hits Siren and the first 2 VP for the brewers are a fact.
I believe I got the initiative and used it to kill Shark and to pick up the ball with Tapper. 4VP  Angel survives but is engaged.
Siren comes back on after 2 icy spongues and Shark joins with only one.
Angel dies.  The end.
I hope Kristof was honest when he said he enjoyed the game and put it up on fb :-)

That's all for now!
See you soon!
