Fan Fiction: - Fluff for the miners guild
Hello Guild Ballers! Welcome back to my blog! Last week I've read on the steamforged forums that somebody wanted some fluff for my miners guild... I promised to oblige. So here it is. Hope you like it! "What's that?" - Yelled Canary as she turned to face the rumbling sound behind them! "If that's Dynamite playing around with his boomsticks again I'm going to kill him!" "It's not me lov' " - whispered Dynamite in her ear. "I'm right here..." "Sounded like a cave-in..." Burrow chipped in. "Should we check it out?" - asked Pickaxe, who didn't interrupt his work "Burrow and Canary, can you go take a look? We'll continue the work here!" Said Shovel, nodding towards Pickaxe and Vole. Both Burrow and Canary nodded to eachother and set out to investigate. Not long thereafter Canary returend, out of breath. "It's a cave in! We're ...