Game 50 - a brewer of

Hello Guild Ballers!!

I know I'm behind on my match reports...  so far behind I have no recollection of some of the events...  But today I'll be catching up!  I had some notes, written down previously of my 50th game, so this might be an ok read...  Expect the quality to go down after this report though...
I hope to make good on all this starting from my games I'll play march 11th in Gent, where I'm attending another tournament!

Today you'll read about a drinking contest I had, kinda.

I agreed to play another brewer team in my local gaming store.  I wanted a fun game myself so I decided I would field whatever my opponent did not bring to the table.  I also opted to stay away from Union.

Here's what my opponent fielded:

Tapper - Quaff - Mash - Stave - ogSpigot - Hooper.

This was left for me:

Esters - Scum - Friday - vSpigot - PintPot - Stoker.

We rolled to see who got to kick/receive; I had to kick the ball towards him on his choice.

I kicked with Friday, testing out this new theory I had about charging into whoever got the ball to score a first turn goal and we set off.

(I made the mistake of writing up some notes for this report a week after the fact, so seeing that my memory is hazy... here's my best shot at giving my view on how it went:)

Turn 1:

*Quaff activates, puts bag of quaffers on Hooper and Tapper gets Second wind.  Then he moves up for a small bit.
* Friday sees they didn't go for the ball and decides to take one for the team since she's there with scum and vSpigot to play the football game anyway.  She walks up to the ball she kicked and punts it back in the direction of vSpigot.
* Hooper goes into friday knocking her down with his first swing.   He then puts up true grit with the momentum from the KD.  Then he swings again for the first bit of damage.
* PintPot moves up, but not to far.
* Tapper moves forward a bit for his first activation, can't remember if he went into Friday or not, but he sure didn't kill her.  He didn't use Second wind to come towards my half of the board.
* Esters goes and tries to hit Tapper with the blast earth and the dog with Fire.  We get the dog but miss Tapper.  She sings herself a defensive buff.
*ogSpigot walks up and doesn't do much else.
*  Stoker goes and throws a Fire AOE as far as he can in front of Spigot
* Stave walks up and barrellobs Stoker.

* vSpigot walks towards the cat and passes the ball to her.
* Mash crawls like a snail towards the middle of the board.
* Scum goes further to the other side of the pitch, taking the ball away from where Tapper and Hooper are looking to party.
Turn 2:

* Friday gets taken out by Hooper.
* PintPot goes in to keep Hooper busy
* Quaff comes in to hinder Esters
* Scumm passes the ball to vSpigot and walks up the field to look for a goal.
* Stave misses a barrel lob on the cat.
* Stoker comes in and puts Stave on fire.
* Spigot tools up Tapper and stays where he is.
* vSpigot holds the ball in the back lines.
* Tapper moves in on Esters and swings a couple of times.
* Esters doesn't take the dog seriously and moves up takes a parting blow and hits Tapper back.
* Mash goes into PintPot.

2-0 to Tapper.

Turn 3

 I have no clear recollection of what exactly happened and in what order.  But Esters got taken out, PintPot tries to keep Tapper away from the footballing game together with Stoker who's using Stave to farm momentum of.
I move my Scum into position to score next turn, I go up field with Friday for a possible rebound goal and follow with vSpigot to make the goal first activation next turn. - Quaff got taken out.

4-1 to Tapper.

Turn 4 :

I think Friday scored the goal 2nd activation, Scum tried to get the ball back but Quaff came up field near the goalpost and kept Scum busy so getting the ball would be a hard job to do.  This is where my notes stop...  And the game was played january 25th, so you can imagine I don't remember much else...

PintPot got taken out this turn though (the picture below helped me with that)

6-5 to the Tapper Brewers.

Turn 5:

even with this picture to help my memory.  I can only remember that I was looking to score another goal to go for the 9 VP.  I didn't get it done though and Tapper took out 3 more of my players getting him up to 12 VP and winning the game 12-5.

Ideas about the game in general:

I tried to do too much at once here.  I'm not comfortable playing Esters, it was (if I'm not mistaken) my first game with Pint Pot AND vSpigot.  But I wanted to have fun, and at least I did accomplish that!

Well, sorry for the lack of details.  I still hope you enjoyed reading this!

Not long till I post my next match report now! 2 games in a row against Dries Haemhouts! One where I play my Brewers into Hunters, and one where I try out Fish as a possible team to play after the rusty cup in York!

Keep your eyes peeled!

That's all folks!
Bob Out.
