
Showing posts from January, 2018

Theory Crafting over the Blacksmiths

Hello Guild Ballers, I have both boxes of blacksmiths sitting in front of me and I am keen on having my first game with them. I won't put up all the cards again, since there's plenty of content out there on the interweb.  I will go over them one by one... What I will do is look at every Master and let the cards sink into my brain.  I'll make a list of pro's and contra's and will decide on an orientation for that master (VP-scoring more leaning towards football or takeout) Then I'll look at the apprentices and do the same. After that I'll try and put a team together and come up with a gameplan for it. Wish me luck! And enjoy the journey with me!   The Masters: Anvil With a move of 4/6 I'd start with the general idea this guy is about dealing damage rather than chasing the ball around.  So 1 vs 0 on fighty. TAC 6 with a playbook of 6 long is pretty standard, but then you see there's almost no DMG on there and if it is...

Random Ideas I had for the Ratcatchers Guild

Hello Guild Ballers, Welcome to my blog, the info below has been sitting in my 'to do list' since steamcon made the model Skulk and we knew the ratcatchers were coming... It's very hot topic and I haven't finished the ideas at all, but I feel like I'm not going to.  So I figured, why not put it up as is... Have a look at what I had in mind: Meet Valve Character Plays: Caution : Cost: 2 Range S Place a caution marker in base contact with this model.  There can be up to 2 caution markers in play.  If a third marker would be created using this character play remove the marker furthest from this model. Character Trait:  Immune Removing conditions while suffering from the diseased condition cost 1 MP less. At the end of the turn when this model is suffering from the poison condition  heal this model up to [2] HP.  As long as this model is suffering from the poison condition it loses [-0/-2] MOV. Heroic Play: Smoke'em  Pulse [5] At the end...