Theory Crafting over the Blacksmiths
Hello Guild Ballers, I have both boxes of blacksmiths sitting in front of me and I am keen on having my first game with them. I won't put up all the cards again, since there's plenty of content out there on the interweb. I will go over them one by one... What I will do is look at every Master and let the cards sink into my brain. I'll make a list of pro's and contra's and will decide on an orientation for that master (VP-scoring more leaning towards football or takeout) Then I'll look at the apprentices and do the same. After that I'll try and put a team together and come up with a gameplan for it. Wish me luck! And enjoy the journey with me! The Masters: Anvil With a move of 4/6 I'd start with the general idea this guy is about dealing damage rather than chasing the ball around. So 1 vs 0 on fighty. TAC 6 with a playbook of 6 long is pretty standard, but then you see there's almost no DMG on there and if it is...