Blacksmiths Leftovers - theorycrafting

Hello Guild Ballers,

This week I'm having another game with my blacksmiths.  I figured I'd try and play the guys I left out last time.  This gives me following players to field:



Well, I think I'll need to bunch up here and go all in on the fight.  First turn I can use Anvil's 'While the Iron is hot to move the team upfield', then launch him into set up a kill for Sledge/Iron.  I doubt he'd be the best choice for captain though...
While Anvil is up there Fighting the fight I'll keep Furnace back a bit to protect the apprentices with his Sentinel Aura. I can also tool them up and if they are safe launch him in aswell with a searing strike.  Not sure if I want to make him captain either...
Moving on to Burnish he would be my Striker-hunter. Hopefully with KD on 2 the ball is loose and then with Kill the Ball I can put it in play again.  I'm still uncertain what legendary would be best suited for the guild...

On to the apprentices with Iron first on the list:  I'm tempted to keep him back to counter a goal or use him after a kill the ball is resolved.  Only throwing him into the fight to TO a model.  Once launched though I could try and push him further to the enemy goal lines as a snap shot turret...
Sledge on the other hand is one I want to move in head first with his piledriver for free from Anvil, then when he dies Iron is hopefully still alive and near the goal so a goal kick gets to use the long bomb.  For a Snap shot or normal goal with Iron.
Lastly we have Cast, who could back up Burnish to steal the ball away through tackle results or using her Shield Throw.  Tooled up that throw does 4 DMG to a burning model!

Receiving with this team:

Starting positions. (fighting prefered against scoring teams)
  • Across the kicker we have Burnish, who gets 1 to Kill the Ball wherever it is kicked.
  • Anvil gets placed last within 6" of everybody behind the team if needed.
  • Furnace goes on the outside of the line-up next to Cast.
  • Sledge can be placed next to Cast or (on the outside instead of Furnace) next to Furnace.
  • Iron goes on the opposite side of Furnace (or Sledge)
  •  Cast should be immediatly next to Burnish and Furnace
  • 1stactivation is Burnish (Captain) [4/12(8)] who gets 1 to Kill the Ball wherever it is kicked. (maybe 2 for a sprint and kill the ball) and 2 for a Flame Belch towards the kicker hopefully, if not, just pick a strategic place center field to block a possible charge lane from a striker and/or DMG dealer.
  • 2nd activation is Anvil [2/12(6)] who gets 2 to activate 'While the Iron is Hot'.
  • 3rd activation is Iron [2/12(4)] Who puts up his Impetus and sprints btb with his team to move them another 2" up the pitch.
  • 4th activation is either Sledge [0/12(4)] who does nothing or switch this one with 3rd.
  • 5th activation is Furnace that tools up Cast [1/12(3)]
  • 6th activation is Cast [3/12(0)]who can hopefully sprint up and throw some tooled up shields at somebody
From turn 2 on it’s going to be:
  • Tool up Burnish with a full stack to sprint somewhere and do a tripple (through legendary) Flame Belch, hopefully dealing 12 DMG to multiple models - don't do it if you don't hit at least 2 and don't do it against Farmers if they're at full health.
  • Early activations with Anvil and Cast to soften up targets (KD + Singled out / Shield Glare)  Following up with Furnace to put Searing Strike on ARM models and a possible save with one at a time.
  • Keep iron out of trouble till he's ready to look for it himself.  Jump in, kill, move out on turn 3 towards the Goal to get Sledge with a long bomb in the game and score goals.
  • Keep Sledge near Anvil for tutelage, mind the angles with knockback.
  • If models are burning remember to tool up Cast and let her jump in.  Shield throw can be triggered from the playbook and her DMG is momentous!

Receiving with this team:

Starting positions. (scoring prefered against fighty teams)
  • Across the kicker we have Burnish
  • Anvil gets placed last within 6" of everybody behind the team if needed.
  • Furnace goes on the outside of the line-up next to Cast.
  • Sledge should be as near the middle of the pitch as possible
  • Iron goes on the opposite side of Furnace and has to be able to touch him btb.
  •  Cast should be near Burnish and Furnace.
  • 1stactivation is Burnish (Captain) [1/12(11)] who gets 1 to Kill the Ball wherever it is kicked. (maybe 2 for a sprint and kill the ball)
  • 2nd activation is Furnace [2/12(9)] picking up the ball and passing it to Anvil.  And
    tooling up Cast if you don't have to sprint to get it (keep them guessing).
  • 3rd activation is Anvil [3/12(6)] who gets 3 to activate 'While the Iron is Hot'. And a pass to Iron.
  • 4th activation is Iron [3/12(4)] Who puts up his Impetus and sprints btb with his team to move them another 2" up the pitch. And Passes to Cast.
  • 5th activation is  Cast [2/12(3)] who can hopefully pass the ball to Sledge. And position herself near Anvil and/or Furnace to benefit from the Sentinel aura (don't do it against AOE players like Filet, Stave, and certain Chemists and the like unless you're sure you're out of range) AND only do this if Sledge can dodge to a place where he is out of reach of other players AND can make a goal kick afterwards!!!  IF NOT possible, go (with a tooled up) Shield trhow on somebody.
  • 6th activation is Sledge [2/12(0)] who is now 4" up the field through pushes/dodges from his team and should have enough to reach the goal if the pass landed and a 4" dodge after receiving the ball was made. IF, however, there is any chance that the player on the other side still has one of his models able to REACH SLEDGE don't do this at all!!  If he's safe, go in for the first turn goal by sprinting and shooting. - IF a shot is not possible you might want to activate Piledriver (unsnap the ball or pass it) and jog/charge into somebody.  The Idea is he'll be dead, but you'll score on turn 2 with Cast/Iron (?) and kill the murderer in return with the rest of your team.
From turn 2 on it’s going to be: 
  • Finish your attempt on goal ASAP - If possible at all with Cast if she's in the danger zone - with Iron if not -  that should put you on a 4-4 VP situation after they kill both Sledge and Iron/Cast.  Tool up Iron/CAst (whoever didn't score) and fly in with your Masters to set up a kill yourself. hoping for a 4-6 - if they get to score 8-6 situation.
  • The rest is pretty much the same as with fighting. 

Kicking with this team:

Starting positions

  • Kick with Burnish, keep the ball in the center or drop it against a barrier/obstacle close to the halfway line if possible. - center him in the field for max range.
  • Place Cast next to Burnish on the side of the fast ground if there is any (logic dictates that's the side they'll move the ball to)
  • Anvil goes in the centre of your lineup to move'em all up so keep them within 6"
  • Furnace goes on the outside withing 10" of Iron who starts on the other side behind the furthest model out.  Stay within 4" of Cast just in case she needs to be tooled up (small chance - we'll normally jog towards Burnish and do it)
  • Sledge sits next to Anvil on the other side of Burnish
  • Iron sits slightly behind Sledge but BTB with him (so if they dodge 2" towards the enemy goal he's directly behind Sledge)

  • 1stactivation is Iron [2/12(10)] Put up Impetus and sprint behind your team to give them a push.
  • 2nd activation is Anvil [2/12(8)] Anvil to go yet another 2" closer to their goal with 'While the iron's hot.
  • 3rd activation is Sledge [0/12(8)] Activate Tutelage's Piledriver just in case... Move him behind Anvil and hopefully into 1" melee of both Anvil and Furnace (sentinel doesn't stack, but if they want him he's near 2 Masters...
  • 4th activation is either Cast [2/12(6)] (or Furnace or Burnish depending on the board situation.) Throw a shield at somebody
  • 5th activation is Furnace [1/12(5)] to Tool up the last activation model. - activate him 4th if you think you can get the shield throw off on the ballcarier (ball is free) and if he then doesn't get it with his next activation you can kill it with Burnish or kill the carrier!
  • 6th activation is [5/12(0)] if the ball is free, see if you can kill it, if not concider popping your legendary - yeah searing strike is lost - if it looks good to kill a player with max HP of 12 and DEF 4 (preferably the Ballcarrier who gets killed and was within jogging range so with any luck you can kill the ball with the 5th INF) - if not throw out 2 AOE's to burn the opposition.
From turn 2 we're looking to steal the ball away with Cast/Burnish.  Slow the team down with Burnish and set up some kills for Sledge/Iron with Anvil/Furnace.  If you can't get the ball, kill burning models first (no matter how tough they may seem with Cast.
Don't forget to keep sledge around after a goal kick to pass the ball deep (towards Iron) with long bomb.

I should go into more detail on how to adjust all this into certain teams and go over the play-styles guild by guild, but for now this'll have to do...

That's all folks,

Good luck Ballers,

I know I'll need it!


Bob Out
