Game 12 - Brewers VS Alchemists – Casual game

Hello Guild Ballers,
Finally I got to play my friend since long, Wouter.  He's playing alchemists and to be honest I'm afraid of what they can do...

I dropped Stave since I knew Midas was there but didn't know who to take instead.  I ended up picking Mash.
Here’s my line-up:
Tapper – Scum – Hooper – Spigot – Friday – Mash

Wouter’s line-up:
Midas – Flask – Calculus – Mercury – Venin - Snakeskin

-Again no notes- This time I have an excuse since I came straight from work and forgot to pack half my stuff...

Game summary:

Turn 1:

Brewers kicked of with Tapper kicking the ball way up there, close to the line-up.
* Mercury picked up the ball and passed it to the back line, Snakeskin receives. after that, Mercury puts an AOE in front of Tapper just in case...
* Mash walked his jog up towards the middle of the pitch.
* Flask crawled a little closer.
* Spigot came up and walked towards the middle putting tooled up on Hooper.  I forgot to stay more than 3" away from Mash and got punished for that.
* Calculus walked up just close enough to clip us (Mash and Spigot) with a Noxious Blast.
* Friday tried to dirty knives Calculus, but a bad diceroll decided otherwise.
* Midas does some measuring and comes to the middle, but out of range from Tapper.  And replicates Tooled Up.
* Scum pivoted a little hoping another Alchemist would come a little closer for Hooper or Tapper to Charge with.
* Venin walks up but stays out of reach.
* Hooper walks towards the middle setting up for next turn.
* Snakeskin comes to Midas's aid and gives him the ball.
* Tapper decides to go into cover on the other side of the AOE

Turn 2:

Having no momentum the turn goes to Alchemists.
* Midas charges up to Spigot after tooling himself up and takes a good chunk out of his healthbox but doesn't go for the kill as the momentous push-dodges towards the goal are more important. Midas does what he does best and moves away from Tapper and Hooper with Spigot and takes a shot at goal.  0-4 for Alchemists.
I make the capital mistake here for not running away witht he ball after the goalkick.
* I go in with Mash hoping to trigger the unpredictable movement so Spigot, Friday and scum can help kill the bugger. Midas doesn't trigger so gets a momentous 2 damage up the bum and gets KD'd in the process.
* Venin throws some conditions on Hooper and makes him bleed. Puts up melting body and sacrificial puppet (which we also did wrong).
* Tapper engages both Flask and Mercury whilst charging Flask.  Flask dies, but only just.  What am I doing wrong?
* Calculus goes into cover on the other side of the fight and is able to clip spigot and Hooper with poison AOE, and here I thought I put them far enough from eachother...
* Hooper swings at Venin, who saw it coming and is pretty hard to hit...  I'm far enough from Tapper not to benefit from the Commanding aura, but True grit does help. A momentous push brings Venin also in the melee zone of Tapper but to no aveil.  Hooper can't do more than one damage to take the sacrificial puppet of him ignoring the one damage himself.  Then Finally some damage goes in.
* Mercury tries to run away from Tapper but gets a parting blow that knocks him down.
* Friday shadowlikes herself into melee range with Midas and swings triggering Clone (Midas dodges away) Friday jogs into base contact around Midas who uses unpredictable movement to get away from her, she dirty knives him.
* Snakeskin sees trouble for Midas and comes closer to help.
* Spigot charges (with the ball, stupid me should've ran away) Midas and manages to knock him down.
* Flask (who was brought back onto the pitch and I didn't recognize this as unpossible) trundles up the pitch from deployment.
* Scum goes into Midas dealing 2 momentous damage.

Turn 3: 

3rd turn goes to the Alchemists.
* Midas gives up his movement, stands up Tackle's Spigot.  Then he rolls bad and has no influence enough left for a shot on goal without crowding out so decides to swing again and ends up killing Spigot.  The generated momentum is used to heal himself up instead.
* Mash goes in and knocks Midas down thanks to vengeance with a wrap to tackle him first taking posession of the ball.  I plan on passing the ball to Friday and make her dodge out, but I forget for some reason and I end my activation spending my last influence on an attack...
* Venin gives himself that melting body again and puts up sacrificial puppet again.
* Tapper deals some damage but can't kill him... The alchemist have no momentum left and mercury is knocked down, so Tapper decides to move in to Calculus engaging her.
* Calculus blinds Hooper.
* Hooper puts up true grit to negate the blind and kills Venin.
* Mercury stands up forfaiting his movement
* Friday shadowlikes towards midas but isn't engaging him yet.  So she jogs into base contact, triggering his unpredictable.  The follow up dirty knives misses.
* I think Snakeskin starts hitting the cat taking 4 HP of him.
* Scum does one damage to Midas.
* Flask comes closer to Mercury
Spigot stays Taken Out
6-4 to the alchemists who of course...

Turn 4: 

...get the 4th turn!
* Midas stands up and steals the ball of Mash again, I have don't touch the hair, but seeing the cat is also engaging him he'll just push dodge himself closer to me, and as he'll tackle anyway I don't want to dodge out.  Midas uses his influence to do all sorts of stuff including giving Hooper a heavy burden and scores 10-4 My stupid mistake...
The ball goes out to Hooper this time.
* Crazy shit happens in an attempt to kill Midas, but to no avail.  Friday - Mash and Scum are not the team to kill him... and with Hooper having heavy burden he can't come over to help... Snakeskin is also in there to prevent too much crazy stuff going on. But in the end is left unengaged.
* Tapper of course wants to kill something now.  Mercury gets charged but survives, Commanding aura is up and Mercury is back down.
*Calculus blinds Hooper again.
* Hooper passes to Tapper needing a 5 with one die...  He makes it!, uses the pas'n go (or what is it called) to go closer into Mercury, uses another momentum from Tappers attacks to true grit the blind away and kills Mercury. 10 - 6
* Snakeskin no longer engaged flies towards Tapper to steal the ball but don't touch the hair prevent any further attacks after only one hit landed!! (Snakeskin has a momentous tackle on 2)

The turn ends and with the brewers in the lead on momentum I need (and get) a bad roll to lose the initiative...

Turn 5:

 Alchemists go first preventing me from charging Flask with Tapper to score from where Flask would have died (again)
Instead Wouter has two options.  Killing the cat who's at 4 health with midas who's loaded up with influence or try to steal the ball and score another goal (with Snakeskin).  I convince him to play football and he does.
* Snakeskin dodges in but not base to base, tackles the ball, hits again for a double dodge out, jogs up to the goal and ends the game.

Where I improved my game:
I did not improve my game at all.  I played poorly and that's all that can be said.  I forgot to do things I did think about... I'm not at all pleased with myself, even though the game and company was ace!

What I need to remember :

Thoughts about my line-up:
I like this line-up.  I used Hooper more to his full potential but might look at Union players for my next machup against alchemists instead of putting Mash in. Then again, I didn't play football at all this game so... 
I'm convinced an Esters line-up would work better against these pesky condition throwing bastards, but I'm a Tapper fan and won't abandon him.  I just won't!
So thinking about it Hemlocke is probably the only go to answer.  I want to play more against alchemists to try out different tactics.  Is stoker any good with his brew, is playing Stave that bad against them, does Hemlocke actually work? How about Fangtooth, Rage or Avarisse & Greede?  I need to play more games!

Overall idea of the game:
Big thumbs up to Wouter I had a fun game even though mistakes were made and I wasn't at my sharpest.

See you next time Guild Ballers!
