Meet Shadow, a figment of my imagination.

Hello guild ballers!!

I created Shadow thinking he is a spy, following people around undetected learning their secrets and thus manipulating the plans with precognition, tripping the plans up or even help with an assasination.

Meet: Shadow , a union player

30mm base – melee zone 1’’

Mov: 7”/9”
Tac: 4
Kick: 2/5”
Arm: 0
INF: 2/4
HP: 13

First row: M< -  M <<  - M<< 1DMG – 2DMG
Seond row:  GB  – T - 1 dMG -  M><

Character Plays:
Shutout: Cost: 1 – Range 8” – Sustained Y
If target enemy model has not activated this turn, it must be the last model the enemy team activates. This Character Play may only be used once per turn per team

Marked Target: Cost:  1/GB – Range 8” – Sustained Y
A friendly model that declares a Charge against the affected target enemy model gains [+0”/+2”] MOV.  This Character Play may only be used once per turn.

Smoke Bomb: Cost 1 – Range 8” – AOE 3”
Models within this ongoing-effect AOE benefit  from cover. This Character Play may only be used  once per turn.

Character Traits:

[Brewers, Butchers, Seamstresses, Morticians]

Trip [3” Aura]:
Enemy models leaving this aura through a reposition or advance suffer the KD condition if one success with 2D6 is rolled against their DEF as TN. This effect may be ignored if the model pays 1INF and 1MP.

At the start of this model’s activation it may make a 2’’ Dodge.

Unpredictable Movement:
Once per turn when an enemy model ends an Advance in this model’s melee zone, this model may immediately make a [2”] Dodge.

Hidden in shadows:
Unless this model is engaged by an enemy model this model can’t be charged as long as it is in cover.

Other friendly models attacking a player engaged by this model get a +1 DMG on DMG results on the playbook or character plays.

Heroic play:
Old Jake’s
This model may immediately allocate [2] Influence between friendly Guild models within [4”].

Explanation behind this player:

As this player is made to stalk people he is very mobile, 7 base move 9 sprint together with shadowlike and unpredictable movement makes this guy one slippery eel.

TAC and Playbook:
Not being about damage dealing I’ve created a playbook around dodging away or stealing the ball.  The Marked Target illustrates that this player has flagged the other player as a high priority target due to information gathering, helping the teammates into engagement rather than taking the target out itself.

Even though the tackle (non momentous) is on the second slot the football stats of this player aren’t going to scare the opponent.  I have thought about putting Ball’s gone in the playbook aswell, but I figured that was overkill.

I figured this character should be relatively safe from being hit being undetectable most of the time, hence the trait ‘hidden in shadows’.  It is only after a player has discovered he is being followed (engages the model) others can charge in! – Unpredictable movement fits the idea of : 'Did I see something there?  Ah, no I didn't'

I figured the influence generation should be rather average.

I went for 13, not the weakest, but definitely not sturdy.  This is not your James-Bond style of spy…

The character plays and heroic play fit the role in my opinion.  I see it as data gathering Shadow does and then decides for: Marked Target ( there to let other players come in and Take out the threat ) or Shutout (there to indicate Shadow is keeping the model busy)  The heroic is there to show an element of surprise is no longer there and nearby players get to prepare for what’s coming.

The Smoke Bomb is there to help Shadow ‘get away’ or at least get his ‘in cover’ advantages up.

The guilds that Shadow will play for other than union have (imo) all something to do with gossip-spreading.   Brewers hear stuff in the pubs and bars, Butchers get some gossip from customers, seamstresses (hopefully in the future) have made gossip their business and the morticians might seem strange at first, but you’d be surprised how many gossip reaches the ears of the dead…

Besides the movement traits I’ve also put in two new ones.  'Trip' to make the opponent rethink if they don’t want to try and kill shadow first before moving away.  And if not illustrating that precognition is like a stick in the turning wheel of a bike; it makes you fall flat on your face.

Hidden in shadows is there to help protect the model and backstabber is there for some team support on damage dealing.

I hope you liked reading up on yet a new player !
See you on the pitch some day!
Bob Out
