Painting up a new team: Morticians - Ghast

Hello Guild Ballers!

Still working on my morticians; here we'll cover Ghast.  Ghast with the yelow mask.  Let's look at what he had to endure after being poked with a brush for several hours, I'm still not pleased with where I ended up as I was a bit clumsy with the white.

He's a mix of greys, all the metal parts are pure leadbelcher.  I used seraphim sepia on the blade for a dirty look. and also hit the chain with it.  If I was more confident I'd put some black lines on the mask to create the illusion of veins a bit.  But I'm not, so I'll see what I'll do there.  The Morticians's symbols also got some yellow on them.

As with all my previous morticians mini's the base is still a work in progress.

Updated Pictures:
