Games 51 and 52

Hello Guild Ballers!

Another Match report from a while back, lacking in detail, but it happened so I want to mention it at the very least...

As this was played on february 1st and I failed to take notes, or pictures, this will be a brief touch on how I did against the Antwerp pundit: Dries Haemhouts.

We played at his house and I was welcomed there with open arms by both him and his (then pregnant) wife!  Congratiulations on becoming a dad Dries!!
My favourite brew was in stock so we popped one open and set out to play a game or 2 (on the clock)

So here goes my brief touch:

Game 51
My Brewers - his hunters (on my request)

I wanted to field PintPot again after the disaster I had with him against brewers.
Dries asked me what guild I hadn't played against much yet.  So I answered: Hunters.
He fielded them, but I can't really recall what he took apart from Theron, Hearne, Fahad, Egret and Jaecar (I'm not sure but I think Zarola was his 6th player).
I went with: Tapper, Scum, Avarisse & Greede, Friday, PintPot (I'm not sure who I took as a 6th player, it was either ogSpigot or Hooper)

I took out Hearne and Fahad with Tapper turn 2  after softening them both up in turn 1.  0-3
Egret scored the turn after.  I countered with Avarisse and Greede 4-7.
I then killed Jaecar but Egret managed to get another goal in failing to kill Friday (leaving her on 1HP) in the attempt to score.  Friday picked up the ball on her way to score the final goal 8 - 13.

This was a fast paced game where I had PintPot all by himself on one side.  He didn't get to do much but this could've been partly by playing on the clock and me reverting to putting my money (influence) where I knew how to invest it.

As this game was over rather fast and it would've been a shame to only play one game after driving up for 1h+ we decided to have another go.

If you are a frequent visitor on my blog here, you'll know I'm looking to pick another team to play after march.  Union is one option, Fish is another.
I opted to play Fish - Dries went for a brewer line-up:

Game 52

So I wanted to field Shark Fish and I gave these guys a go:
Shark, Salt, Angel, Sakana, Siren, Greyscales.

Dries took his brewers and borrowed my pintpot to give him a spin:
Tapper - Quaff - Hooper - PintPot - Mash - Stoker.

I still know the line-ups cause one of my friends asked me about them and I opened up the message to copy it from there ;-)   The game itself is something different:

Greyscales scored.
Siren died.
Greyscales scored.
Shark died.
Sakana died.
Greyscales scored.
6 - 12

The last goal was the most memorable:  Shark came back on after being taken out.  I fielded him from the side and put him like 3" and a fingernail from the sides, Dries got to go first...  He activated Quaff who was hoping to push Shark off again.   I defensive stanced and survived.  I then got to dodge around the dog, steal the ball from behind him, dodge out, walk up towards Greyscales, passed the ball and used a teamwork action to dodge him out of 'base to base' range from both Mash and Hooper (the only two brewers that could get to him in the first place).  Thus the ball was in a safe place for his next activation with unpredictable movement still up.  Failing to get to the ball Dries opted to take his chances on Angel and gave her a Tapper-beating... She didn't die. Greyscales simply didn't fail me on his activation to end the game.

So that's it lady's and gentle people...  Not very detailed, but there you have it, a brief touch on my first experience with Shark fish and my succesfull attempt to tame the hunters.

That's all folks!

See you next time!

Bob Out.
